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The Definitive Map and Statement provide the legal record of public footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic.

The image is based on the 1998 Definitive Map but it is NOT the Definitive Map. It has no legal status. Do not rely on it to determine where paths exist. Paths are subject to legal change. The map was published at 1:10,000 scale. Viewing the data at a larger scale than this will not increase its accuracy.  Rights of way may exist that are not shown on the Definitive Map whether under Common Law or the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

View the definitive map (not suitable for viewing on a mobile device).

Warwickshire County Council cannot accept liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused by reliance on this map.

If you need a definitive answer to whether land or property is affected by an existing, or alleged public right of way, you may request a property search.

Complete copies can also be seen at;

A copy can also be seen by prior appointment at our office in Warwick.


Extracts can also be seen at the following locations.

Your local Parish Council should also have an extract for its area. Contact your Parish Clerk.

The Definitive Map and Statement are legal records. You may find other maps, such as those published by the Ordnance Survey, more suitable for use in the countryside. Ordnance Survey maps can be purchased from most good book shops.

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