Staying at school or moving to college
Young people with special educational needs have the option to apply for post-16 education at any school or college of their choice. In Warwickshire many young people choose to attend their local school sixth form, college, or special school.
Find a school
Some schools have sixth forms so you can stay at school after Year 11 (age 16). Or you can apply to another school that offers different courses. You can get more information from your school careers adviser.
To see more about what schools can offer, find a school here.
Find a college
You can contact local colleges for information about courses and the support they offer:
- North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College and the additional support available at college and the Lifeworks Hub for people aged 19 to 24
- Stratford-upon-Avon College
- Warwickshire College including The White House at Moreton Morrell
- Hereward College in Coventry
- King Edwards VI Form College
The full directory of independent specialist colleges can be found at the NATSPEC.