Apply for free school meals (FSM)

Schools should provide meal options for all children attending school. Meals are available free of charge to:

  • all infant pupils (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) – known as universal FSM
  • pupils who meet the free school meals eligibility criteria – known as benefits-related FSM

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, they will automatically be entitled to universal infant free school meals. However, if you do meet the benefits-related free school meals eligibility criteria, then it is advised you apply to receive additional benefits:

  • Holiday activities and food (HAF) programme is for children aged 4 to 16 in reception to year 11 in receipt of benefits-related free school meals. HAF offers eligible pupils access to activities and at least one healthy meal is provided during each session. The activities take place during the Easter, summer, and Christmas school holidays
  • Pupil premium is extra funding paid directly to schools for each pupil who is eligible for free school meals. It can help to fund valuable teaching and learning support to improve pupil’s education

You can apply for benefits-related FSM at any time online through the Parent Portal:

Apply online

Need help with your application?

If you have any questions or need support with applying for free school meals, please contact the team by emailing or calling 01926 359189.

If you are unable to complete the free school meal application on your own device, please note all Warwickshire County Council managed libraries have computers with internet that are bookable in advance online, by phone or ask in the library. Lenovo M10 tablets are also available to borrow from your library with data and one-to-one IT support included.

If you have your own device but no access to the internet, you can get free wifi access on your laptop and mobile device at all Warwickshire County Council managed libraries.

Libraries also provide IT support sessions and access to free online courses.

You Can Online provides more information.

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