This site may be unavailable between 09:00am and 9:30am on Wednesday 26 March for essential maintenance.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

The Definitive Map and Statement is a legal record of public rights of way and can only be changed by a legal order. There are two main types of changes:

  • public path orders – which create, divert or remove paths
  • Definitive Map modification orders (DMMOs) – which record existing rights of way (often historic ones) and are used to correct errors and omissions in the Definitive Map and Statement.

Under some circumstances, orders can be made by the district or borough councils, or by the government. This website does not include those orders.

Additionally, traffic regulation orders may be made to restrict or stop the use of a public right of way. These may be temporary or permanent (unless revoked) and are made, for example, to allow development or for public safety. To view the current list of orders, select the following link.

List of current orders

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