Primary, infant and junior schools
Lighthorne Heath Primary School
As a result of local growth, Lighthorne Heath Primary School will be relocated to a new school site and will increase their capacity from 91 places to 420 places (two form entry).
There will also be a specialist resourced provision within the school for up to 14 learners with SEND.
Completion is expected by September 2026.
Oak Wood Primary School
Oak Wood Primary is expanding to create a further 20 primary places in recognition of the need for more specialist places in the local area. This will take the number of places available from 140 to 160 by creating a single storey, four classroom extension.
This is in conjunction with plans to expand Oak Wood Secondary into vacant premises at Bermuda Park.
Work is scheduled for completion by July 2026.
Shottery St Andrew’s CofE Primary School
In response to local development, Shottery St Andrew’s CofE Primary School will be relocated to a new school site and will increase their capacity from 105 places to 420 places (two form entry).
A specialist resourced provision for up to 8 learners with SEND will also be established within the school.
Completion is expected by July 2026.
St Johns Primary School
St Johns Primary School in Kenilworth will be increasing the number of permanent places at the school by 210 pupils.
This would mean St John’s Primary School would move from a one form entry (1FE) primary school (210 pupils) to a two-form entry (2FE) primary school (420 pupils).
Work will also be undertaken to establish educational provision for children with special educational needs in the form of specialist resourced provision (SRP) for up to 14 primary aged pupils with Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) needs.
Completion is expected by May 2027.
St Margaret’s Junior School
Following Briar Hills increase, new teaching facilities have been delivered at St Margaret’s in order to accommodate an extra 30 pupils from September 2026.
Warton Nethersole CE Primary School
To ensure sufficient school places in the village of Warton as more housing is created, Warton Nethersole CofE Primary will be increasing their PAN from 22 to 30 (8 per year group).
Work is due to be completed by December 2025.
Current consultations
Nursery Hill Primary School
We are proposing to establish a 10-place specialist resourced provision (SRP) for children with communication and interaction (C&I) needs.
If approved, the provision would open in September 2025.
The public consultation opens on Monday 10 February.
Nursery Hill Primary School consultation
Glendale Infant School
We are proposing to establish an 8-place specialist resourced provision (SRP) for children with communication and interaction (C&I) needs.
If approved, the provision would open in September 2025.
The public consultation opens on Monday 10 February.