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Latest news

Skills fact sheets

Our Economy and Skills team has just published an easy-to-access fact sheet for each borough and district showing key information, trends and forecasts for employment and skills needs. The fact sheets are provided to help teachers advise pupils and parents on the local employment market. They will also help schools, colleges and training providers to plan their future curriculum and provision to support the needs of the economy. The fact sheets can be downloaded below:

Careers Leader Meetings

Developing Careers Leaders in schools and colleges remains a key priority of our Skills for Employment programme. The programme has always had a strong focus on working closely with Career Leaders in order to develop and shape our projects to the school needs.

This year we have been running half termly meetings with Career Leaders as well as a specific SEND Career Leader meetings. These typically involve an update from the Education team and Warwickshire Skills Hub, a speaker from an external organisation and a round table discussion. We have had a number of guest speakers on topics such as inclusive apprenticeships, young carers, traineeships and more.

If you are a career leader and would like to find out more about the sessions that have taken place or join future sessions please email

Future Careers Build Back Fund 2021

We have introduced a new fund for schools across Warwickshire to help them ‘build back’ their careers provision post COVID-19. This is available to secondary schools, FE and sixth form colleges in a competitive grant process. Each school and college may apply for up to £2000 with the option of making an application in July or October 2021.

As many schools and colleges now start to consider what a post pandemic careers programme might look like, it is likely that a blended approach in smaller groups may continue through to next year, with the need for additional provision shaping or delivery resources.

In order to support Warwickshire schools and colleges to maintain the high standards of provision we have seen throughout the pandemic, we wish to invite applications which specifically demonstrate the “Building Back” of careers programmes which can demonstrate a series of positive outcomes.

The fund will be available from July 2021 with two rounds of applications.

The July round will support schools who have identified immediate needs and would benefit from moving this work forward right away.

October’s round will then be available for schools who have yet to identify work/projects and would benefit from Autumn funds to accommodate future needs. To find out more please email

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