Develop your own wildflower verge
We recognise the fact that highway verges are a valuable resource for wildlife and biodiversity and, as such, they need to be managed with care and attention. The release of the good verge guidance document by Plantlife and the national discussions around climate change have brought the topic of sustainable highway verge maintenance into focus.
Plantlife - The good verge guide (PDF, 2.2MB)
Our community engagement scheme gives local groups an opportunity to explore the possibility of reducing the level of grass cutting, to enable the existing flora and fauna to flourish, or to grow a wildflower area on a highway verge.
This opportunity is a wildflower process, meaning that it grants permission for wildflower seeding or grass cutting only, and verges must not be excavated or dug in any way.
This is a really exciting opportunity for communities to come together and collectively contribute to improving biodiversity and increase the aesthetic appeal of our highway verges.
Please contact with any questions you might have.
Contact us
For more information, or to ask any questions please contact us:
- Email -
- Telephone - 01926 412515