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Direct Payments for carers

A carers’ Direct Payment is a sum of money provided by Warwickshire County Council directly to a carer to enable them to have a fulfilling life outside of caring. This can be provided as a one off or ongoing payments. The amount will depend on the carer’s assessed needs and the outcomes they wish to achieve. It must support you in your caring role and help to keep you well and healthy. 

For example, it could help you:

  • to buy goods and services
  • to pursue hobbies and leisure activities
  • to access counselling
  • with training

There are a few things you cannot use Direct Payments for. These include:

  • to pay yourself as a carer for the care you provide
  • to employ someone who lives in the same household as you, or in the household of the person you care for (unless it is agreed this is necessary)
  • anything that is deemed to be illegal, or if it does not keep you safe and well
  • services of a personal care nature such as bathing, respite care or replacement care such as a sitting service, for the person you care for.

How can I get carers’ Direct Payments?

To find out if you are eligible to receive Direct Payments as a carer, you first need to have an Adult Carers’ Assessment. You can request an assessment by contacting the council’s Customer Service Centre or talk to your doctor, health visitor, district nurse or community psychiatric nurse, as they could make a referral on your behalf if you would like them to.

If the person you care for is in hospital, speak to a nurse and ask to be put in touch with a hospital social worker. They may refer you to the Carers Trust, or you may be eligible for social care support because of all you do as a carer. The social care practitioner who does your assessment will explain what the options are - this will include how Direct Payments could work for you.

How will I receive my carers' Direct Payments?

There are various ways Direct Payments can be made; your social worker can talk you through the options and decide right one for your situation. The most common are:

Bank Mandate Form

If you are receiving a one-off carers' Direct Payment, we will require the details of the bank account where the funds need to be paid. Please fill out the bank mandate form you receive from the council and return it in the self-addressed envelope provided. 

Prepaid card accounts for weekly carers Direct Payments

If you are receiving Direct Payments for ongoing payments this will be paid to you on a prepaid card account. You do not need to provide any bank details. Further information is available in the documents and download section of this page.

Will I need to pay anything myself?

Warwickshire County Council does not charge for services for carers. You will not be financially assessed.

Direct Payments do not affect any benefits you may be receiving. However they will affect the benefits of anybody you choose to employ.

Could the person I care for receive Direct Payments?

Most people who have social care support at home from Warwickshire County Council could receive Direct Payments. These people include:

  • Older people who have been assessed as needing community care services
  • Disabled people aged 16 and over, including those with short as well as long term needs
  • Families with disabled children for children’s services
  • Disabled parents for children’s services
  • People receiving a Direct Payment on behalf of someone else who lacks capacity.

Useful contacts

Carers Trust Heart of England

You can access advice and support for free via the Warwickshire Carer Wellbeing Service, delivered by the Carers Trust Heart of England. 

Young Carers

A young carer is someone under the age of 18 who helps to look after someone who has a physical or learning disability, a serious illness, mental ill health, a dependency on alcohol or drugs, or someone with HIV/AIDS.

The person they care for may be a parent; grandparent; brother; sister; other relatives; or a close friend.

In Warwickshire, young carers are supported by Warwickshire Young Carers. They provide information, practical advice and emotional support.

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