For people deprived of their liberty and their families, friends and carers
- DoLS and you - easy read - version for the person made subject to the process (DH 2009)
- DoLS: What you should know - expanded easy-read booklet containing information about the MCA DoLS presented in a series of narratives (DH 2009)
- DoLS Family and Carers Guide A guide for family, friends and unpaid carers (DH 2009)
- The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Standard authorisation – your rights - summary of your rights now that the council has decided you need to stay in a care home or hospital which they have named.(LGA 2016)
- Deprivation of liberty safeguards: Factsheet 62. - covers what deprivation of liberty means, the required procedure for authorisation, what can be done if there are concerns, and the procedures and protections required (Age UK 2018)
Guidance for professionals
- Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice - guidance to people who either work with or care for people who can’t make decisions for themselves (Office of the Public Guardian 2007)
- DoLS Code of Practice - to supplement the main Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice (Ministry of Justice 2008)
- Deprivation of liberty safeguards: A guide for relevant person's representatives - guidance for PCTs, local authorities, hospitals and care homes to support them understand and fulfill their statutory obligations (DH 2009)
- A Brief Guide to Carrying Out Capacity Assessments - an overview of the law and principles relating to the assessment of capacity for social workers and those working in front-line clinical settings (39 Essex Chambers 2017)
- Deprivation of liberty: a practical guide - comprehensive guidance on the law relating to the deprivation of liberty safeguards; commissioned by the Department of Health and aims to help identify when a deprivation of liberty may be occurring in a number of health and care settings (The Law Society 2015)
- Local Government Association Mental Capacity Act including DoLS - a range of resources, information and support tools that can assist local areas in their implementation of the Act, including the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards