Careers strategy

Careers strategy development day - 4 July 2018

Led by David Andrews, who is a national expert and policy adviser to the Careers Development Institute, the event was attended by 23 schools and colleges who explored approaches to developing strategies.

The slides from this event are here: Careers strategy and Careers Leaders: implications for policy and practice in schools and colleges (PPT, 776.5 KB)

As part of the new framework of support for Careers Leaders and coordinators, Skills for Employment will provide two or three free development workshops each year like the careers strategy development day in July 2018.

Integrating careers in the curriculum - 3 October 2018

Led by local careers expert David Wallace, of Stratford-on-Avon School, this workshop explored a range of approaches to bringing careers into the core curriculum including David’s special ‘careers by stealth’ tactic. The workshop was rated highly by the 20 school and college Careers Leaders who attended.

The slides from the workshop are here: Careers in the curriculum workshop (PPTX, 3.87 MB)

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