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Local support

Warwickshire Libraries

You can visit your local library to help search for careers and job information either in the library or online. You can speak to a staff member or view the available resources.

The Let’s Make technology spaces in Leamington, Nuneaton & Rugby libraries provide the opportunity to learn new skills and work with the latest technology like laser printers to improve your job prospects.

Warwickshire Supported Employment Service

The Warwickshire Supported Employment Service is designed to support young people and adults with autism and learning disabilities with an aspiration to work. One to one support is provided by a Journey Guide who will work with you to create a personalised support plan.

Adult and community learning

We offer a range of courses for those wanting to develop skills for employment, including our 'Digital Gateway to Work', designed to help improve your job search and application skills.


Beam support residents of North Warwickshire who are unemployed or in an unstable job and aged 18+. Beam can help you work towards employment by supporting you with applying for jobs, preparing for interviews, CV writing, confidence building, online training courses, life skills and goal setting.

Email for more information and to self-refer.

Brunswick Hub

Brunswick Hub provide free employment support services for all, regardless of whether you are claiming benefits or not:

  • Employment Club at Brunswick Hub on Thursday’s where you can get free access to computers, internet, and printing with support on hand if you need it. No need to book, just drop in.
  • One to one support is available with creating CVs, benefit assessments, advice on careers and training, and more by calling 01926 422123 for more information or to book an appointment.
  • Employment support drop in at Lillington Community Pantry.
  • Employment Club Facebook page including useful information and job opportunities.

Mental Health Matters Coventry and Warwickshire Employment Support

Mental Health Matters (MHM) are working with Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust to provide employment related support to individuals who are accessing the Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Talking Therapies service. Employment Advisors work with you to support you towards employment goals by identifying your strengths and skills, and to develop through experience, volunteering and training which is tailored to suit your needs.

Rethink Coventry & Warwickshire Individual Placement Support (IPS) Employment and Training Service

The Coventry & Warwickshire Individual Placement Support (IPS) Employment and Training Service supports people experiencing severe mental illness who are in, or have been part of, Secondary Mental Health Services into employment. They also provide a job retention service for people in employment who are at risk due to their mental illness.

Smart Works

Smart Works Birmingham is a charity that supports women into employment. They run two services that help support women in their employment journey.

Career coaching consists of a one-hour appointment with an expert coach providing personalised, practical support to help you get the interview you want.

Once you have got an upcoming interview, you can have an interview dressing and preparation appointment. The interview dressing and preparation appointment is two hours long and consists of an hour with their stylists to help find you a free, nice, high-quality interview outfit that is yours to keep, as well as a one hour long tailored coaching session so you leave feeling confident for your interview. If you are interested in the support that we can offer, ask someone supporting you to refer you on to Smart Works.

Smart Works is based in Birmingham, however they do offer support virtually too. View the Smart Works leaflet (PDF, 2.6 MB) for more information.

Thrive into Work

Thrive into Work (Shaw Trust) is a free employment support service that provides a personalised approach to helping people age 16+ who experience health problems, have a disability, have difficulties sustaining work, or finding employment.


Workpays can support you to learn new skills, find a job and progress with your career. From short courses in ESOL, Customer Service, and Numeracy Confidence to a purpose-built set of progression pathways into a range of employment sectors, their skilled staff will ensure you’re supported every step of the way.


WorkWell support individuals across Coventry and Warwickshire with mental health or health-related barriers to find or retain employment. WorkWell can support anyone with a mental health or health-related work barrier to return to or remain at work, find and access work, and refer into and connect with various services in the area.

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