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Support available to parent carers

The wellbeing conversation will result in several different outcomes depending on your needs.

Signposting to an appropriate local provider. For example, if your child with a disability impacts on your other children and you are unable to offer them the time and attention you would like, the Wellbeing Conversation may identify a referral to young carers. This means that they can meet with other young people who have a sibling with a disability.

Find out more about young carers - Caring Together Warwickshire

If you are experiencing health or mental health needs, a referral can be made to adult services for support in your own right.

It may be that providing an agreed one-off financial payment for a specific outcome in order for you to purchase a service, piece of equipment or access an activity could help to support you in your caring role and improve your wellbeing.

There may be a need identified to undertake a formal social care assessment (Section 17 - an assessment of your child's needs) under the Children’s Act 1989. If the practitioner feels this would benefit your child, they will discuss this with you and seek your agreement to make a Section 17 referral via the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub.

A Section 17 assessment has many benefits that can support you and your disabled child such as direct payments for the provision of services which supports you as a family, including short breaks.

Throughout the wellbeing conversation, the professional may identify that a combination of all the above outcomes is required to provide the best support for you.

Access to the Parent Carer Support Pathway and a wellbeing conversation has no restrictions. It is not time-limited and can be accessed as often as is required. If your needs change following the agreed outcome, parents are encouraged to contact us.

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