LawStuff provides free legal information to children and young people. There are sections covering police, children’s services, education, family and home, abuse and bullying, sex, health and drugs, your rights as well as a range of frequently asked questions.
Disability Law Service
The Disability Law Service provide free legal advice on community care, employment, housing, discrimination, public law and welfare benefits to disabled people and their carers to ensure that they have access to their rights and justice.
Coram Voice
Coram Voice are here to help young people in care, leaving care, those who have a social worker or those who need one. Coram Voice provide information on getting help, your rights, getting involved and getting your voice heard. There is also a section for professionals who are working with young people.
Council for Disabled Children
The Council for Disabled Children works with children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families. The Council for Disabled Children resources webpage provides guides to help you understand your SEND rights and support.
Get Your Rights
Get Your Rights is a website for young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) to help you understand your rights and make decisions about your healthcare.
The Right to Participate
The Right to Participate, a project by Disability Rights UK, aims to raise awareness of the Equality Act and the ways it can help you understand your rights and what to do about discrimination issues in everyday situations. There are sections to support you if you’ve experienced issues when out and about, in education and employment.
Future Ready Hub
The Future Ready Hub from Disability Rights UK is for all things employment and education related to help support you through your post-16 options, knowing your rights and more.
NHS young carer rights
The NHS provides information for young carers and their rights, including information about choices, carers allowance, carer’s assessments and getting help.