How to make a formal request for public information
You have a right to request public information we hold under the FOIA and EIR. When you request information you must include the following details:
- your full name and contact details
- the information or documents you would like
- the preferred method of communication with us (letter or email)
It would be helpful to include a telephone contact number in case we need to clarify your needs, and any accessibility requirements.
Online: complete the public information request form
Email: put your request in an email to:
Write: put your request in a letter to
Information Rights team
Information Management,
Warwickshire County Council,
Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RL
Telephone: call 01926 418633 for advice
We will acknowledge your request by email within one working day and a letter within five working days of receipt. For requests under FOIA, we should respond within 20 working days. For requests under EIR we should respond within 20 working days, or 40 working days if the request is large or complex.