Please use our online services to if you are able to:

  • Apply online
  • Renew online (please note you won't be able to use this if you have changed name or address since your pass was last issued)

If you can't access the online service, then the following options are available;

Call 01926 359180 to

  • Renew your bus pass
  • Replace a lost, damaged or stolen bus pass
  • Request a paper application form 
  • Ask us about your bus pass for any reason

Call 01926 359180 to make an appointment at one of the following libraries, you must not turn up without an appointment. This includes Shire Hall in Warwick. You can:

  • Apply for an Older Person's Pass or a Disabled Person's Pass
  • Renew your bus pass
  • Replace a lost, stolen or damaged bus pass
  • Update your details

The following libraries are now offering Concessionary Travel by appointment only. Please click on each individual library link for further information.

The following libraries cannot help you with your bus pass at the present time, but we hope to offer the service soon:

Please note that you can no longer access concessionary travel services at Riverside House. You will need to go to either Leamington Spa Library or Warwick Library (Shire Hall).

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