The Customer Service Excellence (CSE) Standard

The Customer Service Excellence Standard is a framework which allows us to test how we are doing, understand what we are doing well and identify improvements in relation to our knowledge, understanding and ability to be customer-focused.

The Standard tests in great depth those areas that research has indicated are a priority for customers, with focus on delivery, timeliness, information, professionalism and staff attitude. There is also emphasis placed on developing customer insight, understanding the user’s experience and robust measurement of service satisfaction.

In February 2014 Warwickshire County Council (WCC) was the first County Council to be awarded the Standard corporately and in February 2017 WCC and Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service were awarded a recertification of the Customer Service Excellence standard.

The report stated ‘Following the assessment, Warwickshire County Council, were found to have a deep understanding of, and commitment to, Customer Service Excellence. The commitment was displayed from Senior Management levels through to operations and front-line staff’.

The Customer Service Excellence certificate is valid for three years and again in January this year WCC successfully completed their Recertification Assessment.

The WCC 2020 Recertification Assessment took place over a 3-week period when the Assessor met with the Chief Executive, Strategic Directors, Assistant Directors, Partners, Staff and Customers to check that we still comply with the elements of the Standard to ensure we are maintaining our high standards of customer care.

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