Monitoring and administration

We charge a fee for the monitoring and administration of S106 agreements which is usually due to be paid upon signing of the agreement. Each application is considered against key cost drivers. The indicative fee structure is shown below.

Monitoring and administration costs
Number of dwellings Monitoring fee calculation
10 – 49 £350 + (5 hours x £40 officer time x number of triggers)
50 – 149 £700 + (5 hours x £40 officer time x number of triggers)
150 – 499 £1,350 + (5 hours x £40 officer time x number of triggers)
500 – 999 £2,650 + (5 hours x £40 officer time x number of triggers)
1000 - 1999 £3,950 + (5 hours x £40 officer time x number of triggers)
2000 - 2999 £5,000 + (5 hours x £40 officer time x number of triggers)
3000 - 3999 £6,000 + (5 hours x £40 officer time x number of triggers)
4000 + £7,000 + (5 hours x £40 officer time x number of triggers)

Commercial developments will also require a monitoring fee based on the following formula:

£2,000 + (5 hours x £40 officer time x number of triggers)

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