- Service area
- Social care and health
- Service
- Health and Wellbeing Board
- Publication detail
This report entitled ‘Best Health for Older People in Warwickshire, 2015’ provides statistical intelligence around the health and wellbeing of Warwickshire’s older population. It aims to provide insight and knowledge of the circumstances and challenges the older population and those who support their health experience. The report has been produced jointly with Age UK Warwickshire and is a reminder to agencies providing health and social care in Warwickshire to work innovatively and collaboratively to support our older people.
Highlights from the report include:
- Warwickshire has an above average proportion of older people, with over 20% of the total population aged 65 and over.
- Life expectancy for males is 79.4 years and 83.1 for females
- Females have longer life expectancies but a shorter healthy life expectancy (66.3 years) than males (67.0 years). Females are spending relatively less time (79.0%) than males (83.7%) in ‘good’ health.
- With an ageing population, the issue of loneliness and social isolation has emerged as a major public health challenge
- Long-term conditions are the ‘invisible epidemic’ for the older population
- Warwickshire has a greater dementia prevalence projection than England; there will be an estimated 18.2% increase in cases by 2020 (3,200 new cases)
- The number of carers has remained relatively stable, but the hours of care provided has increased
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