- Reference
- 20/00732/PVMNT
- Address
63 Henley Street
CV37 6QN - Status
- Granted
- Conditions (only applicable if granted)
Standard conditions plus:
1. Umbrellas sometimes called ‘Sunbrellas’ may be located within the licenced area but by their common design with often a curved top often induces a lift effect if a substantial speed of horizontal wind is moved against it. An effective anchor must be attached to the Umbrella or ‘Sunbrella’ so that it is not easily able to come detached and cause an ‘airborne’ hazard.
2. The Manager of the premises will throughout the period of the Umbrellas/’Sunbrellas’ being used monitor the wind and then make an informed decision to remove the Umbrellas/’Sunbrellas’ if there is a potential of danger to patrons, passers-by or vehicle traffic on the nearby road.
3. The Umbrella /’Sunbrellas’ will be so constructed so that they do not have on the shade part of them acute angles that might injure a person.
4. No part of the Umbrella/’Sunbrella’ will be in the unlicensed area at any time.
5. Notices will be displayed on the tables with a very brief summary of the latest Covid guidance for people being seated together.
6. The licensed area will be constantly monitored to ensure Covid19 compliance.
Maximum Number of Tables: 5 Maximum Number of Chairs: 10
Days and Times: Everyday 11:00 - 18:00 (All café furniture must be removed outside of these hours)
- Expiry Date (only applicable if granted)
- 29/09/2021