

Our Warwickshire Hub stands in a rural small holding with stables, pasture, and small woodland areas. Timber cabins provide sheltered spaces for creative activities. Sessions allow time and space for children to simply be and play in nature, to observe plants, animals and enjoy supervised risk taking.  Being outdoors in the woods, by water or in open green space, will offer a safe and positive environment to facilitate mindfulness and a range of self-care techniques to practice.  The safe environment will provide a secure base for children to develop friendships. These relationships, nurtured by our team, grow to be significant and meaningful, lasting well beyond the holiday activities.  Our regional hub offers a safe environment for children to be and participate in supervised recreational activities indoors and outside. We have developed COVID-safe work practices in-line with government guidelines.  We will offer a regular and flexible programme of activities that aim to:  Provide structured, child led activities based on in-depth understanding of needs, preferences and aspirations including therapeutic activities that develop self-awareness, confidence, and identity. Generate learning and fun through play, exploration, dance and movement, art, outdoor pursuits, equine facilitated learning and supervised risk taking.  Nurture social interactions and build peer group relationships that increase communication and social skills, grow confidence, and catalyse social integration.  As a provision we always promote and encourage healthy eating which we encourage parents/carers to explore healthier food options. We provide nutritious hot/cold meals and snacks taking into consideration allergies and dietary requirements as well as religious and or cultural requirements for food. We make sure that all meals provided are balanced, nutritious and healthy.  The range of activities we provide always flows and grows based on the expressed preferences and needs of individual children. We will draw on the expertise and creativity of our well-established team of experienced staff, session facilitators and specialised educators providing focused inputs. Our sessions are organised in age-appropriate groups and can range in size from 5 to 10 children or young people. We provide 1:1 support for children with complex needs, offering intense support through prior arrangement.  Our sessions will be facilitated by team members who are trained in Child Protection and Safeguarding, Health, and Fire Safety, GDPR and Equality and Diversity, First Aid and Positive Approaches to Behaviour. 




10:00am - 3:00pm


Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th & Thursday 17th April

Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th & Friday 25th April



The Penthouse, Coventry Road, Cawston, Rugby CV23 9JP

Further information

Contact Information:

01788 816671



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