

Monday 14th April 1 – 3pm           Choices 11 – 16 years 

Session at the centre will involve sports in our newly refurbished sports hall including football and dodgeball. We will have a games area in which young people will battle on the big screen (projector) across a variety of games to see who will be champion?

Sue from GroWithMe will be on site providing young people with new food knowledge and assist with prepping and cooking their lunch.

Easter Crafts will be available for those more arty and wish to craft in advance.

Thursday 15th April   12 – 2pm            Hype – 5 – 11 years

This session is for the younger cohort of children wanting to create their unique Easter arts and crafts.

On site we welcome Rachel from Artspan who will be providing fun easter arts and crafts and we also welcome Sue from GroWithMe who will be assisting young children with Easter baking and exploring new scrumptious tastes.

Our newly refurbished sports hall will be available with a number of different sports and physical activity for all to enjoy.


Hill Street Youth & Community Centre, Hill St, Rugby CV21 2NB

Further information

Contact Information:  

Name: BJ Carr

Email :

Telephone Work: 01788 576041

Mobile: 07891249792

Please call or email to book.


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