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The Integrated Disability Service (IDS) brings together professionals from education working in partnership with other professionals to provide a range of services to support children in their early years, and children and young people with low incidence needs at home, early years settings and schools. One contact opens the door to a range of different teams including:

Pre School


  • Birth to 3 Home Learning and Portage
  • SEND Childcare for children accessing childcare including childminders
  • Specialist teachers for children accessing nursery and transitioning into school

For all 0-5 Preschool referrals please complete the referral form

For all school age referrals please ring 01926 413737 or email


Specialist teachers and inclusion assistants working with children from 0-25, with a hearing loss.


Specialist teachers and an inclusion assistant, who work alongside OTs and Physios to provide advice and support to ensure that children achieve the greatest possible independence and access in their mainstream setting or school. This includes training and advice on manual handling where required by:

Complex Needs

Specialist Teachers working to support children with severe and complex needs in their mainstream school.

Warwickshire Vision Support Service

This service can be accessed through the IDS referral system.

Feedback on SEND Local Offer

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