Forms to use during the transition phase
- Transition form (DOCX, 66KB) - an information form to be completed by nursery staff.
- Transition meeting (PDF, 79KB) - a transition meeting template which helps highlights support that may be required.
- Early years information form (PDF, 319KB) - an information form to be completed by early years settings for children starting school.
- Pupil passport - blank (PDF, 83KB) - a simple form to help children and young people share what helps them as well as their likes and dislikes. Parents, carers or staff may complete this with or for the child or young person, depending on their age and needs.
- Warwickshire early years transition toolkit (DOCX, 3.2MB) - a guide for staff working in early years settings and schools. This highlights key information to be shared between settings and gives ideas on how to help children prepare for the move to school.