Consultation involves working with parents and school staff to discuss the situation, clarify the problem and develop realistic and achievable solutions. The EP works with the parent and school to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to enable them to be part of the solution (DfEE, 2000).
A consultation typically takes between one hour and one and a half hours, although this may vary depending on the number of people involved and the complexity of the situation.
At the beginning of a consultation everyone will be asked to introduce themselves. A brief explanation of the aims and purpose of the meeting will be given. There will then be a discussion of the young person’s strengths to ascertain what is going well at home and school. The discussion will then move onto the concerns about the young person shared by parents and school. The EP will ask a range of questions throughout to gain further information which will inform their ideas. The EP will then facilitate discussion on possible reasons underlying the concern and support parents and school in planning strategies and agreeing outcomes and actions.
After a consultation, the EP may write up a report or the school will share the minutes from the meeting, depending on what has been agreed. The proposed outcomes and actions will then be reviewed at the next meeting, which the EP may be invited to, and further actions may be created.