As EPs we may work with children and young people from birth to 25 years of age. We use our training in psychology, education, human relationships and children’s development to promote the learning, social and emotional development of all young people.

We may do this in many different ways:

  • Working individually with your child, to gain their views, and possibly using different assessment tools or activities
  • Visiting your child in their school or setting
  • Visiting you and your child at home, with your agreement
  • Meeting with staff from your child’s school or setting
  • Meeting with other professionals
  • Working together to develop a plan of agreed support and possible next steps, which can then be reviewed later
  • Providing written reports of our involvement, and possible next steps of support.

You will need to agree that it’s necessary for an EP to support your child and the EP will be likely to want to talk to you to understand your perspective of your child’s situation.

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