Climate change
Warwickshire has published a Sustainable Futures Strategy that sets out how we are responding to the climate emergency.
Energy plans and strategies, information on building energy performance and save money on your gas and electricity bills
Information on planning permission, estate roads and road adoption and environmental surveys for buildings and developments
Regeneration projects
Details on regeneration projects in the county, including Warwick Town Centre and Transforming Nuneaton
Rights of way
Report a rights of way problem, paths and trails, rights of way map (Definitive Map) and changes to rights of way
Environment and ecology
Ecology projects and volunteering, historic environment record (HER), conservation activities and the biological records centre
Severe weather
How to keep safe in severe weather, flooding concerns in your community and advice to keep you safe at home in an emergency
Details on farmers markets and county farms and smallholdings
Gypsy and Traveller
Report unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller encampments, Gypsy and Traveller sites, reporting Gypsy and Traveller crime and abuse
Developer contributions
Section 106 agreements, obligations by service area, planning guidance and the legal framework
Environment and planning publications
Includes plans, strategies, policies and reports for our environmental services
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