Register of definitive map modification orders
Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO) Application Register (XLSX, 32 KB)
The register of applications for Definitive Map Modification Orders (DMMO) lists all applications submitted to us. Display of applications does not indicate that the applications are fully made or that the authority is obligated to take any further action. DMMOs are produced in a two stage legal process:
- Order made – known as draft
- Order confirmed
- DMMOs in North Warwickshire Borough
- DMMOs in Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough
- DMMOs in Rugby Borough
- DMMOs in Stratford District
- DMMOs in Warwick District
Priority policy
The County Council will review the Definitive Map and Statement of public rights of way, and will commence cases in the following numbered order of priority:
1. Applications recieved before 1 July 2011, in the following order:
- 1.1 Former Atherstone RDC area
- 1.2 Former Tamowrth RDC area
- 1.3 Former Meriden RDC area
- 1.4 Former Bedworth UDC area
- 1.5 Former Nuneaton UDC area
- 1.6. Former Rugby RDC area
- 1.7 Former Rugby MBC area
- 1.8 Former Southam RDC area
- 1.9 Former Shipston on Stour MBC area
- 1.10 Former Stratford upon Avon RDC area
- 1.11 Former Alcester RDC area
- 1.12 Former Stratford upon Avon MBC area
- 1.13 Former Warwick RDC area
- 1.14 Former Kenilworth UDC area
- 1.15 Former Leamington Spa MBC area
- 1.16 Former Warwick MBC area
Within 1.1 - 1.16, Parishes will be investigated in alphabetical order, and within each Parish the following order will apply:
- (i) User-evidence based cases in order of date recieved
- (ii) Documentary cases in order of date recieved
2. Applications recieved on or after 1 July 2011 in order of date recieved.
3. Cases for which there are no applications will be investigated in the following order:
- 3.1 Unrecorded routes in the former Excluded Areas of (in order) Bedworth, Nuneaton, Rugby, Stratford upon Avon, Kenilworth, Leamington Spa and Warwick
- 3.2 Non-tarmac unclassified roads (UCRs) and any other classified or unclassified roads which are co-existent with rights of way, in the same sequence as 1. above
- 3.3 Any other discovered evidence
- 3.4 Anomalies
A case may be dealt with outside the above sequence of priorities if:
- a) it will involve investigation of substantially the same evidence as a route currently under investigation, or
- b) evidence or an anomaly comes to light during a current investigation, or
- c) a route is threatened by development, or
- d) processing a case will significantly progress a specific action within the ROWIP Implementation Plan, or
- e) there is an overriding operational need to do so.