Bedtime checks top tips - close inside doors at night, put candles out and turn off plugs

Taking time to do a few checks before going to bed each night helps to minimise the risk of fire and will help you to respond quickly in case of an emergency: 

  •   Ensure that all non-essential electrical appliances are switched off and unplugged.  
    • This includes chargers, heaters, e cigarettes, e scooters and mobile phones. 
  • Properly extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes and candles. 
  • Double-check that your oven, stove, and other kitchen appliances are turned off. 
    • Ensure that no flammable materials, such as curtains or towels, are left near heat sources. 
  • Ensure that fires in fireplaces or wood burners are fully extinguished and that no smouldering ashes remain.  
    • Dispose of ashes in a metal container and keep them away from combustible materials. 
  • Keep bedroom doors closed while sleeping to prevent the spread of smoke and fire. 
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