• Familiarise yourself with your building’s fire safety features and evacuation procedures, such as fire exits, alarms, extinguishers and stairwells.  
    • Understand the building's fire safety plan, including different escape routes and designated assembly points. 
    • Stay informed about building safety policies, inspections, and any updates related to fire safety. 
  • Play your part in preventing fires and reducing risks. 
    • Keep corridors, stairwells, and fire exits clear of flammable materials and clutter. 
    • Avoid blocking or obstructing fire doors, exit pathways, or emergency equipment. 
    • Be aware of and comply with building regulations regarding smoking restrictions. 
    • Use electrical outlets responsibly, avoiding overloading and using surge protectors when necessary. 
    • Never leave cooking unattended, especially on stoves. Be cautious when using portable heaters, candles, or any open flames. 
  • Regularly test smoke alarms and fire detection systems to ensure they are in working order. 
    • Report any faulty alarms or detection systems immediately to building management or the local fire service. 
    • Be familiar with the different alarm sounds and their meanings in your building. 
  • Know what to do if you need to evacuate your building 
    • Familiarize yourself with the building's evacuation plan and procedures, including alternative routes in case of blocked exits. 
    • In the event of a fire alarm in your flat, evacuate the building immediately and calmly. 
    • Do not use elevators during an evacuation; always use the stairs. 
    • If smoke is present, stay close to the ground while evacuating.  
  • Develop a personal fire action plan for your household.  
    • Identify escape routes, how to assist elderly or disabled family members or neighbours, and where to meet outside the building. 
    • Regularly review and practice the fire action plan with all household members. 
  • It’s everyone’s duty to report concerns and issues. 
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