Driving safety

We are dedicated to promoting driving safety and preventing accidents on the road. Here we provide essential safety tips and guidance to ensure you and others stay safe while driving. Explore the following tips and incorporate them into your driving habits: 


  • Always wear your seatbelt, and make sure all passengers do the same. 
  • Adjust the seat and headrest to ensure a comfortable and proper fit.  

Speed Limits: 

  • Obey posted speed limits and adjust your speed according to road conditions. 
  • Slow down in adverse weather, heavy traffic, or areas with pedestrians or cyclists. 

Defensive Driving: 

  • Stay alert and focused on the road to anticipate potential hazards. 
  • Maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you. 

Avoid Distractions: 

  • Never use your mobile phone while driving, unless it is in a hands-free mode. 
  • Avoid other distractions like eating, grooming, or adjusting the radio while on the move. 

Alcohol and Drugs: 

  • Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including medications that may impair your ability to drive safely. 
  • Assign a designated driver or use alternative transportation if you plan on consuming alcohol. 
  • Drug driving and alcohol driving has the same penalty system. Drugs can stay in the system until after 72 hours depending on type of drugs. 

Fatigue Management: 

  • Get enough sleep before long drives. 
  • Take regular breaks to rest and stretch during long journeys. 

Vehicle Maintenance: 

  • Regularly check your vehicle's tires, brakes, lights, and fluids. 
  • Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule. 

Hazard Awareness: 

  • Pay attention to road signs, signals, and markings. 
  • Be aware of pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.   

Road Conditions: 

  • Adjust your driving style according to road conditions, such as wet or icy surfaces. 
  • Use your headlights when visibility is reduced. 

Interacting with cyclists 

  • Be cautious about cyclist, especially at junctions or when they are turning. 
  • Give clear signals and maintain a safe distance (1.5 metres/ 5 feet at speed up to 30mph) from cyclists when overtaking. 

Emergency Preparedness: 

  • Carry a mobile phone and charger in case of emergencies. 
  • Download what 3 words on your mobile phone so you can use it in an emergency. 
  • Familiarise yourself with emergency procedures and know how to report incidents. 

Remember, safe driving is everyone's responsibility. By following these safety tips and guidance, you can protect yourself and others on the road. Stay informed, be mindful of road conditions, and prioritise the safety of yourself and those around you.   

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