There are a number of sources of information available to help you prepare for and recover from flooding.
The Flood Risk Management team have produced the booklet ‘Flooding Within Warwickshire’ (PDF, 4 MB) to help bring this information together in one place, which is complemented by the advice and links on this page
Preparing for flooding
It is important to understand your flood risk to enable those at risk to take action to mitigate and prepare for the impact of flooding, should it occur.
Guidance has been produced by the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire (CSW) Resilience team in collaboration with our flood risk team.
CSW Resilience guidance - before flooding
Video: Understanding your flood risk
Video: What is flood risk management?
We recommend reviewing this guidance and signing up to Environment Agency flood alerts and Met Office weather warnings where possible.
During flooding
The information provided in the link below gives practical advice on the steps you can take if you are affected by flooding.
CSW Resilience guidance - during flooding
Video: What to do in a flood event
Please note, the Flood Risk Management team don’t have an emergency response role during a flood event. If you are in a dangerous or life-threatening situation during a flood event, you should call the emergency services.
After flooding
We know that flooding can have devastating impacts on lives and livelihoods. If you have been affected by flooding, the information linked below may be useful in providing short term and longer-term actions to recover from and increase future resilience to flooding.
CSW Resilience guidance - after flooding
When safe to do so, please report flooding to us. This data informs our post-flooding investigations, focuses our resources and improves our understanding of flood risk in the county.