The 11+ test is the normal route to assessing a child’s suitability for a Warwickshire grammar school. Although it closely relates to the curriculum that children are taught in schools, the level of difficulty may go beyond the levels that children are expected to be achieving by the end of Key Stage 2.
The West Midlands Grammar Schools Entrance Tests contain four sections: English, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning and Mathematics. The test is in a multiple-choice format.
Each of the two tests will take around 60 minutes to complete (including spoken instructions at the start and explanations of the practice items). The raw data is then standardised and weighted to provide a total score for each child. Applications are then considered, and places offered, for each grammar school based on the total score data of applicants.
Eligibility to take the Warwickshire 11+ test is based solely on a child's date of birth. They do not have to be living in Warwickshire. However, if your child has taken another 11+ test in a different authority other than Warwickshire, Birmingham, Walsall, Wolverhampton or Shropshire then the score from that 11+ test cannot be transferred and considered in relation to an application for any of Warwickshire’s grammar schools. Your child will still need to sit the Warwickshire 11+ test.
You can find a Familiarisation Guide and other reference documents relating to the Warwickshire 11+ test in our School Admissions Document Library.
Shared test with the Grammar Schools in Birmingham, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Shropshire
The 11+ test is currently operated as a shared test between the Warwickshire, Birmingham, Walsall, Wolverhampton and Shropshire Grammar Schools. The same test papers are used across all authorities and candidates can opt for their results to be shared across all authorities if they plan to apply for grammar schools in all areas.
Registration for the 11+ test depends on where you live and which school(s) you plan to apply for. The registration guide can be found on the West Midlands Grammar School website.
Your results can still be shared between all authorities if you tick the relevant box on the registration form.
If you did not register your child for the test by the deadline of 30 June, you will not be able to have your results shared between all authorities. Please contact each party individually to discuss a late registration.