Home composting workshops

Warwickshire County Council is helping residents to start composting at home, with the offer of purchasing a 220 litre compost bin for just £8, a 330 litre compost bin for just £20 or a Green Johanna for just £30 for households attending a home composting workshop (one compost bin per Warwickshire household).

Workshops are free and will last no more than one hour and will tell you all you need to know about composting.

Spring Workshops

Family Compost Workshop at Bedworth Library & Information Centre, 18 High Street, Bedworth CV12 8NF

  • Wednesday 16 April at 10.30am
  • Wednesday 16 April at 12pm

Book home composting workshop at Bedworth Library

Kenilworth Library and Information Centre, Smalley Place, Kenilworth, CV8 1QG

Tuesday 6 May at 1.30pm

Book home composting workshop at Kenilworth Library

Atherstone Library & Information Centre, Long Street, Atherstone, CV9 1AX

Friday 23 May at 1.30pm

Book home composting workshop at Atherstone Library

More dates will be added here very soon so please do check back over the coming weeks.

If you belong to a group or organisation and would like to host a talk for your members, please do get in touch by sending an e-mail to waste@warwickshire.gov.uk.

Your feedback would be very much appreciated so please take a minute to complete the questionnaire.

As a thank you for giving your feedback, one lucky winner will be chosen at random to receive a Green Johanna composter and five lucky winners will receive a stylish collapsible reusable travel cup.

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