About Transport Strategy & Road Safety 

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The Transport Strategy & Road Safety team plays an integral role in shaping the future growth and direction of Warwickshire, improving the safety, resilience, and effectiveness of our transport network, reducing the impact of transport on the environment, and supporting wider place-shaping across the county.  The service works closely with a range of other services across the county, including economic development, strategic infrastructure, climate change, county highways, public health, and many others. 

Areas of specific responsibility include strategic transport planning; delivery of the Local Transport Fund; safe and active travel, including cycling and walking; safety engineering; electric vehicle charging strategy and delivery; transport modelling; road safety education and training; bus strategy and oversight of our Bus Service Improvement Plan and associated funding; rail strategy and delivery; strategic asset management; and transport strategy and policy development.

Communities Directorate - Economy & Place structure chart (PDF, 117 KB)

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