The JSNA has delivered significant benefit to the county, providing both a broad evidence base and bank of specific needs assessments based upon priority themes. In 2017 a new approach was agreed by Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Board, with the focus of the JSNA moving from a theme-based to a place-based approach.
Previous to this programme, two place-based needs assessments were completed. These were for Atherstone and Lillington areas and are available using the links above.
This programme of work focuses on understanding Warwickshire’s health needs on a geographical basis. This was planned in line with the requirement to inform the Proactive & Preventative element of the Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STP) (now called the Health and Care Partnership) and the out of hospital programme, which seeks to build integrated services around populations of around 30,000 to 50,000. Transformation programmes relating to both adult and children’s services and community hubs are also based on the need to understand service needs at a more local level.
The place-based needs assessments were completed in three waves: Wave 1 was approved in March 2019; Wave 2 was approved in autumn 2019; and Wave 3 was approved in June 2020.
The new JSNA Geographies were approved by the JSNA Strategic Group in June 2017 and can be viewed by accessing the maps using the following link:
- JSNA Geographies (July 2017, PDF, 608 KB)
To ensure the needs assessments reflect local priorities, we gathered the views of local residents and professionals working within the JSNA areas.
1,769 responses were received for an online survey for residents. 243 responses were received for an online survey for professionals. Analyses of these responses can be found using the following link:
- Warwickshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Residents survey results
- Warwickshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Professionals survey results
Profiling tool ‘Warwickshire Insights’
At the Health and Wellbeing Board in May 2019, the new online profiling tool that the Insight Service has developed was demonstrated:
It enables users to profile a variety of different geographical areas but was developed particularly with the JSNA in mind. You will see there is a JSNA tab at the top of the page, which contains links to profiles for each JSNA area across a range of themes (deprivation, health, social care etc). For example, here is the link to data on deprivation and poverty in the Atherstone and Hartshill JSNA area.
The tool has a range of other features, including the ability to view data in mapped form. We will continue to develop the content, including adding new datasets as they become available. We hope you find the new website informative and a useful addition to the evidence base for the commissioning of place-based services.
The following pages contain the JSNA Place-based Needs Assessments which have been organised by place; Warwickshire North, Rugby and South Warwickshire.
It should be noted that the research for these reports took place prior to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Although the reports refer to long standing health and wellbeing issues which have and will continue to impact upon residents, we would encourage you to read them alongside the COVID-19 Health Impact Assessment which is available on the Warwickshire JSNA webpage (from July 2020). This assessment identifies key health and wellbeing indicators that have been affected by the Coronavirus outbreak.
The pandemic has, and will continue to have direct and indirect impacts on individuals and communities across Warwickshire. Some who suffered from COVID-19 illness are facing a period of recovery of unknown trajectory. Many of those who lost loved ones during the pandemic are having to grieve without having been able to say goodbye, or to be close to others while they grieve. Additionally economic and mental health impacts are already being felt as a result of the pandemic response, with these impacts disproportionately affecting people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethic Groups and those with lower incomes, who have often been at the frontline of the response in essential worker roles. There will be wider implications too, some of these may prove positive if we can maintain at least some of the improvements in air quality from less traffic on our roads, and the connections between neighbours which strengthened in many local areas.
We will continue to engage with local communities and monitor needs and outcomes for the local population in order to ensure service and communities can continue to respond where needed