Norovirus is the most common cause of Infectious Intestinal Disease (IID). It is known as the ‘winter vomiting bug’ and is highly contagious. Projectile vomiting and diarrhoea are common and affect people of all ages.

Infections are usually self-limiting and can be asymptomatic with the highest incidence of asymptomatic infections reported in children aged under five years. In temperate climates, infections tend to peak in the winter months with large outbreaks reported in institutional settings such as hospitals, schools, residential care and nursing homes.

If you get norovirus, make sure you drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. It is also important to wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet and before handling food and to regularly clean surfaces that are frequently touched, e.g. toilet handles, taps and sinks, door handles and light switches.

If you have been in contact with someone with diarrhoea and vomiting in the last 48 hours, please do not visit relatives or friends in hospital or residential and nursing homes. If you are unwell yourself with diarrhoea and vomiting, please do not visit until 2 days after you get better.

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