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The Transforming Nuneaton programme currently has a funding and investment value of just under £155 million, a significant commitment by the public sector as well as the private sector. The stimulus that this provides for the town centre is essential for its transformation and provides confidence to the market that change is coming.

Funding investment committed to Transforming Nuneaton Programme (April 2021)
Investor Amount
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council £59,300,000
Warwickshire County Council £41,124,000
Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership £8,515,000
West Midlands Combined Authority £1,175,000
Towns Fund £24,200,000
Future High Street Fund £13,300,000
Private Sector £8,100,000



Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council

Warwickshire County Council 

Find out more about Warwickshire County Council's investment into the Transforming Nuneaton Programme.

Warwickshire County Council

Towns Fund

On 6 September 2019 the government invited 100 places to develop proposals for a Town Deal, as part of the £3.6 billion Towns Fund, Nuneaton town was identified as one of these towns. Proposals were sought which would drive long term economic and productivity growth through investment in connectivity, land use, economic assets including cultural assets, skills and enterprise infrastructure. A Towns Board has been established to oversee the development of a Town Investment Plan for Nuneaton and make the submission to government for funds. In March 2021 the Towns Board received confirmation from government that an award of £24.2m had been made to Nuneaton town to deliver the 12 projects identified in the Town Investment Plan. See the full investment plan online.

Future High Street Funds

Administered by Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government, the objective of the Fund is to renew and reshape town centres and high streets in a way that improves experience, drives growth and ensures future sustainability. Nuneaton town centre has been successful in securing £13.3m towards the delivery of 3 key projects, see full key project details of this online.

West Midlands Combined Authority 

Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership 

Local Growth Funding

The Transforming Nuneaton programme was allocated funding from the Local Growth Fund, administered by the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership, to kick-start delivery. This funding was used to take forward key development sites within the town centre and initiate detailed design work on upgrades to the ring road.

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