Nigel Minns
Executive Director for People
My role oversees the work of the council's people services and provides strategic direction and drive to the organisation's activity. I work closely with counterparts from the police, health, district/borough councils and other key strategic partners as we strive to achieve the best outcomes for Warwickshire residents.

John Coleman
Director of Children and Families Services
I am the lead social worker for Children's Social Care. My role is to work across the organisation with elected members and partner agencies to set the strategic plan for children's services and to oversee the day-to-day delivery of children's social care. The service areas I manage work together with families, helping them to build resilience and support the county's young people to be safe and well.

Marina Kitchen
Head of Service for Early Help and Targeted Support
My team works with children, young people and families facing a range of challenges who may need some extra support to address their problems, get help and develop resilience in order to prevent formal or statutory interventions. This approach empowers families by giving them the tools to find their own solutions, seek wider support when they need it and help children to be safer, healthier and happier.

Calvin Smith
Head of Children's Safeguarding and Support
CS&S seeks to work with families using restorative practice, in the area of long term child in need, child protection, care proceedings and for children in care (under the age of 14). Our goal is to find family based solutions to improve the experience and outcomes for children across the whole of Warwickshire.

Sharon Shaw
Head of Service for Corporate Parenting
Head of Service for Corporate parenting. Our role is to support children in care and care leavers by ensuring that they have the best possible opportunity to achieve their full potential, be safe and healthy have access to good quality accommodation and positive relationships.

George Shipman
Head of Safeguarding Communities
My service works to keep children and families safe from harm in and outside their homes. It supports children and families who reach us through the Children and Families Front Door and the Initial Response Service. We also work with older children at risk of, or being, exploited or those involved in the youth justice system.

Dan Atkins
Head of Children’s Social Work Practice (Principal Social Worker)
My role involves ensuring we provide high quality services that have a positive impact on the lives of children and families. The service I oversee works with all our people in a relational and collaborative way to ensure that we joined up and innovative in our approach to offer support - with plenty of opportunities for staff to learn, grow and develop.