Recycling centre service changes
You can now book appointments to visit all nine Warwickshire Household Waste Recycling Centres. The Stockton and Wellesbourne sites are limited to weekend opening only. Due to high levels of demand Hunters Lane in Rugby is open to essential visits only.
There are a limited number of spaces for a visit with a car and small trailer.
These appointments are limited to Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at three sites:
- Lower House Farm in North Warwickshire
- Cherry Orchard in Kenilworth
- and Burton Farm in Stratford.
Trailers must be less than 6’ bed length, single axle and unbraked.
If you try to visit with a trailer without the correct booking, you will be turned away.
Please carefully read the information in the booking process.
Warwickshire waste transfer stations
Warwickshire waste transfer stations will continue to operate for district and borough councils and for trade waste.
Commercial, charged for, waste can still be brought to:
- Princes Drive, Leamington Spa
- Hunters Lane, Rugby
Site users must observe social distancing at the weighbridge and when tipping.
Waste must be separated for recycling and composting as normal - lower charges apply for recycling than for general waste.
Cards are accepted but cash is not.