Becky Hale, Executive Director for Social Care and Health

Becky explains more about the role of the Social Care and Health Directorate.

The Social Care and Health Directorate is made up of Social Care and Support, Public Health and Social Care and Health Commissioning. We work together to maximise the health and wellbeing of people of all ages in Warwickshire and to reduce health inequalities.  

We safeguard and support people, especially the most vulnerable in our communities, with a focus on enabling them to live happy, healthy and independent lives.  

We focus on strengths and assets in people and communities and the quality of social care practice and service provision are priorities for us. 

Relationships and partnership are important to us and we invest time is listening to and working with our residents, customers, family carers, district and borough councils, the voluntary and community Sector, NHS partners and our health and care market to improve and develop our offer to local people. 

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