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At Warwickshire County Council, our work experience programme is designed to help individuals at all stages of their careers; whether you’re a student exploring new opportunities, or simply seeking insight into a new career at any stage in life. Our placements provide hands-on experience and insights into a wide range of local government roles.

Who our work experience programme is for

We welcome applications from: 

  • School students eager to explore potential career paths 
  • College or university students seeking practical experience in their field of study 
  • Young adults not currently in education or work who want to gain valuable workplace experience
  • Adults considering a career change or those returning to work after a break 

Our work experience placements are generally for one week but can be longer or more flexible subject to service capacity. You do not need any formal qualifications or experience to request a placement.

How to apply

All work experience requests must be sent via email to

  • Full name and contact details
  • Dates you would like to undertake work experience
  • Name of school / college / university, which year you are in and the qualifications you are studying (if applicable)
  • Your specific area of interest and a short outline of why you would like to gain experience in this area
  • Any transport and/or access requirements

We ask that any request for work experience is sent to us at least three months in advance of when a placement is sought, as places fill quickly. You do not need to provide a CV as part of any request.

What’s available?

Please see our brochure for work experience and placement opportunities within WCC's Communities Directorate:

Download the WCC Community Directorate's work experience brochure (PDF, 6.2 MB)

We also offer work experience in other directorates such as social care, ICT, libraries, legal services, communications & marketing, and business intelligence.

We’ll endeavour to enable a placement for every request we receive in a department specifically requested, or, one that is similar and where there is capacity.

Experience – the teacher of all things!

Whether you’re starting your career, considering a change, or looking to return to work, Warwickshire County Council’s Work Experience Programme offers the perfect opportunity to gain real-world experience and valuable insight to help you grow.

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