Child to parent abuse (CPA)
Currently, there is no legal definition for child or adolescent violence and abuse, which can be any form of behaviour by a young person which aims to control, threaten and intimidate their parent(s). It is usually more of a problem as the child becomes older and stronger and the Government defines this as adolescent to parent violence and abuse (APVA).
If you are a parent, stepparent, grandparent or someone in any type of parental role who is experiencing this, you may be feeling some or all of the following:
- Shame and confusion about what is happening
- Self-blame
- Afraid of being blamed or judged by others in your family or community
- Fear for yourself
- Fear for your child or young person about what may happen to them if you ask for help
- At a loss as to what to do
The organisations and support listed below can help you reach out for non-judgemental help and practical advice.
Early help parenting support
Early advice and support for parents, guardians and carers can be accessed through Warwickshire’s early help family parenting support. You can also access support through your local Children and Family Centre.
- Family parenting support
- Family support worker helpline
- Children and family centres
- RISE children and adolescent mental health early support, information and guidance for parents and carers
CAPA First Response
CAPA is an online platform for families impacted by child to parent abuse, and the professionals who are supporting them. Support and strategies are provided to re-examine ways to communicate and repair fractured relationships with the aim to reduce levels of violence and abuse in the relationship and home.
PEGS stands for Parental Education Growth Support. A social enterprise supporting parents, carers and guardians impacted by child to parent abuse. Services are free and available regardless of the age of the child or young person. PEGS also offer training and awareness raising to professionals working with families.
Adfam offers some advice and support on child to parent abuse where substance use is a factor.
For out of hours, or if no local service is available, Adfam advises parents to call a helpline such as:
If there is a danger to life, call 999.
Family Lives
Family Lives provides information on teen violence at home and strategies that may help.
Yvonne Newbold SEND VCB
Yvonne Newbold SEND VCB is for parents of children with additional needs who find it difficult to communicate their needs and/or regulate their emotions. They offer a range of information, advice and support, including workshops, for families with children who have SEND who display violent and challenging behaviour towards their caregiver or wider family.
If you are a parent or carer of a child who has SEND VCB, there is a closed Facebook Support group you can join, called Breaking the Silence on SEND VCB.
PAC-UK Adoption and Permancy Support
PAC-UK has information and advice around child to parent abuse including awareness and training in Non-Violent Resistance (NVR). Please note that the individual services are not free of charge. There is also an advice line.