Let the library come to you

If you can’t get to the library due to ill health or disability and you do not have someone to collect books for you, the library can come to you. We can offer books in standard and large print and also have a wide range of audiobooks in different formats.

If you would like to borrow a particular title from Warwickshire’s stock, we can get this for you.

This service is free.

How it works

Once you have told us what you like to read we will make up a collection of books for you. We will visit you once every four weeks to deliver the books and collect the books you have borrowed.

Apply for the home library service

To apply to use this service please complete an application form or contact the home library and mobile library service:

Apply for the home library service

Would you like to help?

We deliver the service through a team of staff and volunteers, at Kenilworth Library. We are always looking for new volunteers. More information – library volunteering.

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