Technical details of calibration services

UKAS acc​redited calibration laboratory No. 0315
Item Products Range Uncertainty
Hydrocarbon flowmeters Kerosene Gas oil SBP 11 35-5000 lpm 0.04%
Mass Weights 1 mg - 25 kg  OIML M1/F2
Other services available - traceable to national standards
Item Products Range Uncertainty
Hydrocarbon flowmeters Kerosene Gas oil SBP 11 1-50 lpm 0.05%
Mass Weights 25 kg – 1000 kg OIML M1
Water Meters Water 1-500 lpm 0.05%
Volumetric measures (volumetric or gravimetric test) Water Up to 20 l 0.02%
Fuel tanker meters (tested on site) Hydrocarbon To capacity Applicable regs

Services for hire

Brass/cast iron weights 500g - 1 tonne

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