Construction sequence

The improvements to the A46 Stoneleigh Junction will be carried out in a methodical manner to minimise disruption to road users and ensure the works are completed as efficiently as possible.

A46 stoneleigh junction construction sequence

Phase 1 – Red - Construct the new Northbound entry & Southbound exit slip roads

Construction of the new northbound entry and southbound exit slip roads. Work will also include construction of the east and west sides of the proposed roundabout. This work will primarily be carried out away from the A46 with access gained from the local road network. There will be some limited traffic management required on the A46 and the local road network to facilitate construction of accesses and to provide safety zones alongside new slip construction areas.

Phase 2 – Blue - Install narrow lane running on A46 & use existing slips

Construction of tie-ins and resurfacing works to both the A46 & local road network, connecting the new works constructed in Phase 1 to the existing highway network. Completion of Phase 2 work will enable traffic entering and exiting the A46 to use the newly constructed new slip roads. Phase 2 works will require traffic management on the A46 and local road network to accommodate the required surfacing works to tie into the existing roads.

Phase 3 – Green – Maintain narrow lanes running on A46 and use new slips

This Phase will see the new carriageway alignments constructed in the previous phases brought into service. The existing (now redundant) slip roads will then be used as works access points to allow construction of the new A46 bridge abutments and the bridge deck structure. During this phase Westley bridge will also be constructed. The end of Phase 3 will see the new A46 and Westley bridges opening.

The works in Phase 3 will generally be away from the existing road network but will be made possible by use of narrow lane running and temporary vehicle barriers on the A46. Full carriageway closures will be required to install and remove the narrow lanes and to install the new bridge deck. These closures are programmed at night and weekends.

Phase 4 – Grey - Northbound exit slip road remodelling and upgrade of existing A46 Bridge

We will use this phase to complete the works and carry out repairs and modifications to the existing A46 bridge. Works will be on the existing road network and will require traffic management on the A46 for realignment of the northbound exit slip road and traffic management on the local road network for the works to the existing bridge.

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A46 Stoneleigh Junction - General Enquiries

01926 738583

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A46 Junction - Emergency Traffic Management

07392 280007

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