Summary of scheme impacts

Traffic impacts

The current scheme has been tested in the 2017 Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Wide Area Traffic Model that includes the latest validated NBBC Borough Plan scenarios.

The key traffic effects of the scheme will be the transfer of trips away from A444 corridor and Heath End Road, reducing journey times and vehicle miles in Nuneaton.

The updated traffic model findings demonstrated that if the scheme was implemented more traffic will use Bermuda Road, Tenlons Road, Shillingstone Drive and St Georges Way, e.g. up to 100 additional vehicles will use Bermuda Road in the morning peak hour and up to 250 vehicles in the evening peak hour. On St Georges Way, traffic flows in the peak hour periods are between 400 and 500 vehicles, which is an additional 200 to 300 vehicles.

In contrast, Heath End Road to the east of Bermuda Road and A444 to the north of Griff Roundabout experience reductions in traffic during both the morning and evening peak hour. The reductions in vehicles is most prominent in the evening peak hour, when there are up to 300 less vehicles using Heath End Road and around 400 less vehicles using the A444 to the north of Griff Roundabout.

On the more local roads, including The Raywoods and Radley Drive, during the morning and evening peak hour, there are some minor increases in traffic flows. However, it is not considered that the increases would result in a severe impact on local residents.

The updated traffic modelling shows that the number of HGVs typically remains the same as per the current situation. The HGVs accessing Bermuda Road and St Georges Way are seeking to access local businesses and properties which are presently located, and this pattern will not materially change.

The following table provides a summary of the forecast daily traffic flows to cross Bermuda Bridge. The forecasts provided for HGVs include an allowance for buses.
Journey direction Daily total vehicles Daily HGVs
Eastbound 1,717 53
Westbound 2,386 29
Total 4,103 82

The traffic flows provided are projected Annual Average Daily Traffic flows, and therefore, include weekends.

Source: 2017 Nuneaton and Bedworth Wide Area Traffic Model.

Environmental effects

The key environmental considerations are air quality and noise impacts. The Environmental Impact Assessment of the scheme considered that it would not have a significant adverse effect on air quality. It is hoped that the scheme would contribute towards improving air quality, e.g. in Nuneaton town centre. In consideration of the increased vehicle movements on the roads comprising the link route, it is projected that residential properties at certain locations will be adversely impacted by increased noise levels.

Air Quality

An air quality assessment has been undertaken to consider the potential effects resulting from changes to air quality during the construction and operational phases, including considering the impact (of changes in vehicles /numbers) on nitrogen oxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10) levels. A series of sites have been selected as ‘representative’ of the places where human health might be affected, these ‘receptors’ are within 200m of affected roads. They include 20 residential properties, a school and a children’s centre. During construction of the scheme there is the potential for dust emissions to be caused. These could have a short term adverse impact at nearby receptors if no mitigation is put in place. However, the scheme will include ‘control measures’ and these will be set out in a ‘Construction Environmental Management Plan’ (CEMP). With these control measures in place the construction works should not have a significant effect on human health.

Once the scheme is constructed and operational, the impact on NO2 concentrations at the human health receptors is expected to be ‘negligible to slight’. The impact on concentrations (very small particulates) is expected to be ‘negligible’ in all cases. These concentration levels of both NO2 and PM10 would mean that the local air would continue to satisfy statutory ‘quality’ limits. Therefore, it predicted that the Scheme would not have a significant effect on air quality.

Air Quality Assessment (PDF, 2.27 MB)

Noise and Vibration

A baseline survey and assessment has established the existing background noise levels. The anticipated vehicle movements have been used to model the likely changes in the day time and night time noise levels at a number of noise sensitive receptor locations along the route.

The construction phase of the proposed scheme has the potential to generate noise which may have a short term adverse impact at nearby sensitive receptors if there is no appropriate mitigation. With mitigation measures in place, including control measures set out in a construction environmental management plan (CEMP), the works should not have a significant effect on human health receptors.

Once the scheme is constructed and operational there is the potential for adverse impacts to be experienced at some properties along The Bridleway, Knights Road Flats and Bermuda Road (in a range from minor to major adverse). Other properties along the route are anticipated to experience negligible impacts. The topography and dense urban nature of the land adjacent to the scheme means that options to mitigate the noise impact are limited. There is the potential for a noise barrier along the parapet of the proposed bridge and embankment to mitigate impacts. However, further investigation would be required to test the viability of such measures.

Cultural Heritage

A desk based assessment has concluded that given the majority of highway works proposed will take place on land which has previously been developed, disturbed or used (including the area previously used for landfill). Therefore, it is anticipated that disturbance of any buried remains are likely to have already occurred. Any archaeological remains which might be encountered are therefore likely to be incidental and of only local interest. The potential effects of the scheme on cultural heritage are anticipated to be minimal.


All of the trees which have the potential to be affected by the scheme have been surveyed. No protected trees are proposed to be removed as consequence of the scheme. A small number of trees and scrub are expected to be lost as a consequence of the scheme, including areas parallel to the railway line. The proposed scheme includes mitigation planting.


An Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey was undertaken for the Site. This was supplemented with further surveys of specific species, including bats. The surveys have confirmed that no protected species or designated sites will be adversely impacted by the scheme.

Landscape and visual Amenity

Desk based studies and site survey work has shown that the visibility of the site is limited in extent due to the very flat topography, built up nature of the industrial areas and intervening mature vegetation. The majority of the locations where views of the site are available are restricted to short range views, thereby limiting the overall number of potential receptors. Medium range views are very limited in number due to the amount of intervening element such as road embankments and vegetation, generally occurring only where the viewpoint is elevated due to the topography and with limited intervening vegetation. Long range views of the site are only available from the higher areas to the west of the site.

The assessment has concluded that the changes to the landscape will be modest as the road largely already exists. The impact for most residents is negligible but for those closest to the scheme (Tenlons Road and Bridleway) which face onto the road, the impact will be ‘minor adverse’ when the scheme is first implemented however this would be mitigated in part as vegetation becomes established.

Ground conditions

Site investigations and desk study information has confirmed that some of the land adjacent to the scheme is former landfill which may contain hazardous materials. The design of the scheme is such that the impact on this land is minimal and will be required for construction purposes only. It is therefore anticipated that any risks to human health and water resources can be controlled and managed. This will be through the implementation of a CEMP.

Water environment

The flood risk assessment has concluded that the construction of the scheme will not increase the risk of flooding to residential or other properties. Small areas of the scheme are already at risk from certain forms of flooding and so the scheme has been designed to ensure this risk is not increased. The hydrological assessment has concluded that the scheme can be constructed in ways that will protect and safeguard the underground groundwater resources and functioning of existing surface drainage features (e.g. drains and ponds).

Transport Assessment

Overall the scheme results in an improvement to the local network in terms of reducing congestion and journey times.

The Transport Assessment for the scheme also demonstrates that the Bermuda Connection scheme provides improvements to sustainable transport infrastructure and enhanced connectivity with public transport.

Bermuda Parking Occupancy Survey Data (XLSX, 584.57 KB)

Supporting information on Economic Appraisal of scheme

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