
The need to tackle congestion on the corridor was identified as one of the two key priorities from the Stratford Traffic Summits.

The proposals have been developed to meet the following objectives. These objectives reflect the various roles that the corridor needs to perform:

  • Managing the flow of traffic along the corridor.
  • Improving conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and enhancing the overall public realm.
  • Improving connectivity to the corridor from within Stratford.
  • Supporting growth and the tourist economy.

A3400 Birmingham Road - Phase 2

A46 to St Peter's Way

The upper section of the A3400 Birmingham Road Scheme referred to as Phase 2 is located between the A46 Roundabout and St Peter’s Way.  A key feature of the project is improved traffic flow and active travel both in and out of Stratford-upon-Avon town centre.

Proposals - Phase 2
Proposals Effect of proposals
Provide a new and safe footpath, cycle way, crossing point and bus stop on the section of road between Squirrels Street and Worths Way.

 Allow residents from the new housing developments on the west side of the Birmingham Road to safely cross and navigate along Birmingham Road.

Improved pedestrian and cycle linkages to town centre.

Connectivity between the northern area of the Stratford corridor and the town centre for pedestrians and cyclists.  Linking Phase 1, 2 and 3 to create a coherent route.

Road layout. There will be one inbound and outbound lane available for motorised vehicle traffic.  Carriageway resurfacing will take place to improve driver experience.
Bishopton roundabout improvements. The Bishopton roundabout and A46 is actively maintained by National Highways.  Warwickshire County Council will be working with National Highways to ensure the scheme will complement the future development proposals.

Phase 2 drawing

General arrangement phase 2 (PDF, 2.1MB)

A3400 Birmingham Road – Phase 3

St Peter’s Way to Arden Street

The lower section of the A3400 Birmingham Road Scheme referred to as Phase 3 is located between St Peter’s Way and Arden Street.  A key feature of the project is improved traffic flow and active travel both in and out of Stratford-upon-Avon town centre.  This will be achieved by the reallocation of road space that will provide two lanes southbound and one lane outbound within this section, coupled with improved active travel provision.

Proposals - Phase 3
Proposals Effect of proposals
Improved pedestrian and cycle linkages between Arden Street and interface with Phase 2 cycling provision at St Peter’s Way.

Improved cycling connectivity which promotes and incentivises cycle travel by improving provision and removing barriers that prevent cycling being considered a viable alternative.

Improved journey times and driver convenience. Through the reallocation of the road space, we shall be providing two lanes inbound and one lane outbound in this section. This will also include resurfacing and remarking of the highway carriageway.
Improved pedestrian and cycle linkages to town centre.

Connectivity between the northern area of the Stratford corridor and the town centre for pedestrians and cyclists.  Linking Phase 1, 2 and 3 to create a coherent segregated route suitable for all abilities and experience.

Phase 3 drawings

Contact us

Birmingham Road, Stratford upon Avon

01926 476865

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