Delivered projects
Northgate Junction
Work was completed in September 2019 on the public realm scheme at Northgate which has improved the setting of a key gateway into the town by reducing the footprint of the existing traffic island junction and introducing informal crossing points to make it easier for pedestrians to cross.
The scheme also includes a number of traffic management changes including a right turn only into Northgate Street from Barrack Street and prohibiting a right turn into Northgate Street for Eastbound vehicles travelling from Saltisford/A425.


20mph Zone and Priory Road Infrastructure Works
The 20mph zone for the town centre was introduced in 2018, with 20mph road signs installed on entrances to the town centre alongside changes to Priory Road to reduce speeds and provide a new shared use footway/cycleway. As part of the Warwick Town Centre project a zebra crossing along Cape Road has been installed as part of the Safer Routes to School programme and the footways from Cross Street to Northgate have been resurfaced.
