Traffic routes
Why are one-way streets being introduced?
The one-way streets are being introduced for a number of reasons:
- To simplify the road system in Warwick so that current conflicts for vehicles are reduced. Removal of these conflicts means that stationary traffic is reduced, helping to improve air quality.
- To allow pavements to be widened and facilities for cyclists improved
- To allow traffic lanes to be removed from junctions, reducing the footprint of junctions and improving the setting of historic buildings
What other route options were considered?
Various one-way routing options were considered, including a reversal of the current proposals (with The Butts southbound and High Street / Jury Street westbound). The proposed one-way routing provides the greatest benefits for easing the flow of traffic (and associated air quality improvements) and gives the opportunity to reallocate road space to other uses.
What is the impact of displaced traffic from the introduction of one-way streets? Will traffic levels increase on some streets?
Yes, traffic levels will increase on some streets due to displaced traffic. However the proposals will encourage people out of their cars for more local journeys and encourage them to use different routes if they are just travelling through the town, so we aim to minimize any increase.
How will the proposals discourage through traffic?
The scheme will discourage through traffic in two ways:
- By creating less direct routes through the town, people may be discouraged from travelling through and choose alternative routes instead (e.g. M40, A46)
- Through traffic may be discouraged by the introduction of a 20mph zone.
Air Quality
What are the impacts of the proposals on air quality?
Air quality modelling has been carried out to understand the impact of the one-way routing proposals. This shows that air quality is improved overall for the town centre. On streets where air quality worsens (due to displaced traffic from the one-way routing), this is well below acceptable exceedance levels.
Assessment of proposals
What assessment of the proposals has been carried out?
- Traffic modelling – assessments have been undertaken in S-Paramics microsimulation modelling software using the latest datasets to inform traffic flows and routing. Average delays across the modelled network were the primary performance indicators.
- Air quality modelling (as indicated in Q5 above)
How will the proposals accommodate Local Plan growth?
The proposals are designed to deal with existing issues within the town. However, transport modelling work has been undertaken to understand the impact of the proposals in a future year scenario with Local Plan growth. The proposals have been assessed in the same Local Plan transport models used to provide evidence for the Local Plan examination. This modelling includes all the most recent Modifications to the Plan and includes demand associated with the Asps and Gallows Hill Appeals sites. Analysis of this assessment identifies that the proposals show improved performance over those identified within the Infrastructure Delivery Plan to support the Local Plan. The scheme proposals will also help achieve modal shift which will reduce the overall impact of Local Plan growth on the highway network.
What is a cycle-contraflow?
A cycle-contraflow allows two-way cycling on one-way streets, improving connectivity for cyclists and providing short cuts. There are many examples of their introduction in the UK, including on narrow historic streets.
Street clutter
How will street clutter be minimised?
An audit of street signs and street furniture will be carried out with a focus on reducing street clutter.
Other proposals
What other proposals have been considered?
The ideas being put forward have been developed following the transport strategy review for the Warwick and Leamington area carried out in 2014/15. Other proposals being developed include: Park and Ride, walking and cycling improvements for Warwick and Leamington and working with employers and schools to encourage mode shift.
The proposals being developed do not preclude other ideas that the public may wish to explore being put forward at a later date, such as proposals to reduce overall traffic levels.