Bereavement in adults
Bereavement, grief and loss can cause many different symptoms and they affect people in different ways. There's no right or wrong way to feel. Experiencing the loss of someone close to us through death is a difficult process emotionally and mentally as well as coping with the practical changes that we may have to manage.
Below is a list of organisations (A-Z) that can help you navigate your feelings:
Assist Trauma Care
Assist Trauma Care provides therapeutic help to adults and children, individuals and families, affected by a wide range of traumatic occurrences. Based at a central clinic in Rugby, ASSIST therapists use evidence-based models to help sufferers rebuild their lives and move on following a traumatic experience that has impacted them.
Bereavement Advice Centre
Bereavement Advice Centre is a free helpline and web-based information service provided by Co-op Legal Services. They provide practical information and advice and signposting on the many issues and procedures that face us after the death of someone close.
Bereavement and Grief Self-Help Books
Bereavement and grief self-help books are available from Warwickshire Libraries.
Find the list on the Library catalogue
Some of the books are available as eBooks. You can also borrow the books from all our libraries in Warwickshire. You will need a Warwickshire library card to borrow the books. Find more information on joining the Library.
Child Bereavement UK
Child Bereavement UK supports children and young people (up to age 25), parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child dies.
Compassionate Communities (University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire)
Support group and 1:1 services for over 18s. Open to all, regardless of when their bereavement occurred, or the circumstances. Compassionate Communities (UHCW) offer online support, befriending and further bereavement support. For more information email or telephone 02476 965131.
Cruse Bereavement Care
Coventry and Warwickshire Cruse offer help and support to those who have lost a loved one, whether recently or a long time ago. They support men, women, children and young people. Their work is led by run mainly by volunteers, all who receive regular ongoing training and are supervised by qualified supervisors. Cruse may be able to offer one-to-one counselling sessions. They also offer group and telephone support plus information evenings.
Freddie’s Wish
Freddie’s Wish provides a support service for grieving parents in Coventry and Warwickshire. The support service will be held on the first Thursday and third Tuesday of each month at Long Lawford and Boughton Leigh Children and Family Centres in Rugby. Email:
Marie Curie telephone bereavement support line
Marie Curie bereavement support line is a free national listening service for people who have been bereaved due to terminal illness. Tel: 0800 090 2309.
Omega is an end of life charity working hard to raise standards in end of life care by supporting caregivers looking after someone with a terminal illness, people who are themselves end of life, and those who have been bereaved. Omega prioritise those aged over 75 and still caring or bereaved. Normal office hours are 9am to 5pm Monday-Friday.
- Telephone: 01743 245 088
- Email:
- Find out more about Omega
Rosie Crane Trust
Rosie Crane Trust supports bereaved parents through their grief after the loss of a son or daughter of any age. They offer a 24-hour Listening Ear Helpline which can be accessed on 01460 55120.
SAMM Support after murder and manslaughter
SAMM Support after murder and manslaughter is a national UK charity supporting families who have been bereaved through murder or manslaughter. The charity also provides advice and training to professionals who support the traumatically bereaved. It is important that you do not feel alone. You will talk to people who will care for you and understand your grief. There is no membership fee and their database is completely confidential and not shared with anyone.
Support for expectant and new parents
This page provides further information about specialist support for the loss of a baby.
Way Up
Way Up is a national online self-help group aimed at providing mutual support to those who have been widowed primarily, but not exclusively, in their 50s and 60s. It is a member’s only forum which is free to join and can help people feel much less isolated and alone.
Widowed and Young (WAY)
Widowed and Young (WAY) support people aged 50 and under whose partner has died. Widowed and Young our service offers a peer-to-peer support group operating with a network of volunteers who have been bereaved at a young age themselves, so they understand exactly what other members are going through.
Although the information on the website can be accessed with no cost, membership to WAY does come with an annual fee. However, WAY recognise that because of bereavement and its consequences, many people may struggle financially. The WAY Memorial Fund has been established to support our members who may need help to enjoy the benefits of membership.